The Relationship between Civil Compensation and Measurement of Penalty 刑事案件民事赔偿与量刑之间的关系
Research Report on Pilot Reform of Bringing the Measurement of Penalty into Court Hearing Launched by the Procuratorates of Yunnan Province 云南省检察机关量刑纳入法庭审理程序试点改革调研报告
Primary Discussion on Declaration of Quilt and Measurement of Penalty for Crime of Spreading Pornographic Messages on Network 浅析网络淫秽电子信息传播行为的定罪量刑
Reform of the Procedure of Defense against the Measurement of Penalty Launched by Dongcheng District Procuratorate of Beijing 北京市东城区检察院量刑答辩程序改革
Analysis systematically following points for the first time, formulate special law for the imperial clan, procedure of judicial administration, measurement of penalty and punishment to imperial clans. 第一次系统分析了宗室专门法令的制定,宗室的司法管理程序以及对犯罪宗室的量罪处罚等问题。
Rendering meritorious service is a measurement of penalty system, which research is weak relatively because it is stipulated in 1997 Criminal Law Code recently. 立功是1997年修订刑法新规定的一种量刑制度,对其研究相对薄弱。
Second, standardize penalty systems including standardizing application of death sentences and property punishment, strengthening penalty functions depriving political rights and measurement of penalty with considering the condition of giving up ill-gotten gains. 其次应规范刑罚制度,包括规范死刑和财产刑的适用,强化剥夺政治权利的刑罚功能,把犯罪人退脏情况与量刑相联系等。
Making the process of suggesting right for measurement of penalty competitive; 量刑建议权的过程对抗化;
Criminal policy is the policy that is used as the base of declaration of guilty and measurement of penalty. 刑事政策,就是作为定罪量刑基础的政策。
The article lastly discusses how to make a choice in a dilemma in the face of the value conflict in judicatory practice through criminal judicatory procedure, conviction and measurement of penalty, penal execution and so on. 并结合司法实践,从刑事司法程序、定罪量刑和刑罚的执行等几个方面来论述当面对刑法价值的冲突时如何做出两难的选择。
The last is the concrete application while voluntary surrender and other circumstances of measurement of penalty coexist. 最后论证了自首与其他量刑情节并存时的具体适用问题。
In the measurement of penalty, the quantity of drug involved in the case is not the only standard sentenced to death, and we should consider other crime plots and extent of injury to the society synthetically. 在量刑时,涉案毒品数量不是判处死刑的唯一标准,而应当综合考虑其他犯罪情节和对社会的危害程度。
Circumstances affect the measurement of penalty directly. 不同的情节,直接影响量刑的轻重。
While the same quality and practical meaning of confession and surrendering need to take leniency as a necessary connection and transition of surrendering and meritorious service system in current criminal law to improve the measurement of penalty and realize the just criminal law; 而坦白与自首的相同本质与实践意义,则需要将坦白制度作为现行刑法自首和立功制度的必要衔接和过渡以完善量刑情节、实现刑法公正;
Part Four proposed suggestions for corruption crime legislation, and to perfect the anti-corruption law system and measurement of penalty by way of the reference to foreign legislative experiences on corruption and bribe crimes. 第四部分贪污罪的立法建议,通过借鉴国外有关反贪污贿赂的立法经验,对完善我国反贪污法律体系和法定刑提出建议。
This article has chosen a slight breakthrough to probe the acceptance of bribes on choosing object and the influence on declaring the measurement of penalty guilty. 本文从一个细微的切入点探究了受贿罪选择客体及其对定罪量刑的影响。
Study on the System of the Right of Suggestion for Measurement of Penalty 量刑建议权制度研究
The status in criminal law refers to an objective key element of personal aspects that has influence on conviction and measurement of penalty in criminal law. 刑法中的身份是指刑法中对定罪、量刑具有影响的个人人身方面的客观要素。
As to the traffic accident guilty measurement of penalty and punishing, it should be confirmed according to endangering the size of the result, the attitude of the criminal, the scope of application that distinguishes the penalty and economic punishment. 对于交通肇事罪的量刑与处罚,要依据危害结果的大小,犯罪的态度等情况进行确认,分清刑罚与经济处罚的适用范围。
At present, the international community stresses on cracking drug crimes, the new criminal law of our country defines the drug crimes in a specific chapter and stipulates a severe measurement of penalty in view of the more and more serious drug crimes. 当前,国际社会普遍加大了对毒品犯罪的打击力度,针对日趋突出的毒品犯罪,我国新刑法对毒品犯罪做出了专节规定,并规定了比较严厉的法定刑。
So we must perfect mineral resources criminal law protection measurement in following three aspects: adding new crime names, increasing penalty, system innovation for measurement of penalty. 因此,从增设罪名、加重刑罚和创新量刑制度等方面完善我国矿产资源刑法保护措施,势在必行。
The behaviors of stealing took place again and again in practice in the name of unit. This is not only increasing the degree of difficulty while trying to declare the measurement of penalty guilty, but also proposing the basic challenge to the criminal law theory too. 以单位名义实施盗窃行为在实践中频频发生,它不仅给审判中定罪量刑增加了难度,也对刑法理论提出了根本挑战。
Especially the research on new types of drugs, evidence examination, measurement of penalty and application of laws. 尤其是实践中对新型毒品的研究、毒品犯罪案件证据审查判断、毒品犯罪量刑以及法律适用等方面的问题更是重中之重。
Further, it impacts the measurement of penalty. Since the traditional crime number theory is complicated and controversial. 由于传统罪数理论的复杂和争议较大,使得本案罪数问题更加扑朔迷离。
Second, punishment individualized theory emphasizes that the measurement of penalty base on the specific circumstances of case, especially the social risk and the personal risk in case. 第二,刑罚个别化理论注重从个案的具体情况,特别是个案中犯罪行为的社会危害性和犯罪人的人身危险性出发进行量刑。
Finally, this paper put forward the measurement of penalty of passion crime. Combined with the experience of foreign legislation, this paper gives some legislative suggestions. 本文的最后明确提出了激情犯罪的量刑标准,结合外国立法的有关经验,给出立法建议。
Standard of measurement of penalty should be more emphasis on its rationality, namely the social public acceptability. 量刑标准更应当注重其自身的合理性,也即社会一般民众的可接受性。
We need to solve joint crime conviction and measurement of penalty problem of joint instigator part joint instigator and part accomplice by implementing the theory of part co-crime. 狭义共犯问题中的共同教唆、部分共同教唆和部分共同帮助问题的定罪量刑问题应贯彻部分犯罪共同说来解决。
The study on procedural measurement of penalty is profitable in safeguarding judicial justice, and its independence also is the inherent quality of a rational and just criminal procedural law. 量刑程序化的研究,对于促进司法公正具有重要的保障意义,其独立性也是程序理性和正义的内在要求。
In facts, as an effective method of reasoning, it has been playing a very important role in conviction and in the measurement of penalty. 但类比推理作为一种行之有效的推理方法,在定罪和量刑中发挥着重要的作用。